Vet Care Industry Consolidation in Connecticut
Mapping the ownership and consolidation of Connecticut’s veterinary hospitals has both symbolic and practical significance. From the preliminary map our group has produced for this project, we found that nearly half of all locations whose ownership we verified were consolidated by a larger corporation. Further, we can see that these consolidated veterinary hospitals are clustering near one another, from our data collection process we recognize that this is often the result of a single consolidator establishing a local town or county-wide monopoly on animal care. Taking the most conservative estimate, assuming all hospitals with currently unknown ownership are local and that all hospitals identified as local are correctly identified, approximately 25% of all veterinary hospitals in Connecticut are consolidated. National estimates are nearly identical, also at 25%. If this consistency holds for other estimates made by the same consulting firms, it’s possible that these 25% of vet hospitals that are consolidated account for over 50% of all veterinary care, revenue, and client visits in Connecticut as they do at the national level (VIN). This is the map’s symbolic meaning, though conveyed through statistics they outline a snapshot of the consolidation of veterinary care in Connecticut.
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