The 2010 agreement states that the defendants must employ a revised citizen complaint procedure, revised FDBI protocol, and Firearms Discharges by Sworn Personnel protocol. In a gesture aimed at accountability, corporation counsel must send the Cintron Negotiating Committee a list of all settlements made by the City of Hartford in cases alleging police misconduct. Further, the settlement states that any motion for contempt that follows must be of a serious nature, and that both parties will attempt to settle all disputes first without legal intervention. They may turn to mediation sessions with Magistrate Judge Margolis should they be unable to settle an issue, before resorting to contempt proceedings. The agreement also stipulates that the chief will make certain materials available via the Hartford Public Library should they wish to maintain them, including the findings and recommendations of the FDBI as well as the chief’s final response to such findings. These materials are not available, blame unclear. (Source)