The updated FDBI guidelines include an expansion of the cases which require investigation, clearly established protocol and responsibility, widened eligibility for civilian members, and payment for such members. (Source)   

In January, Murtha’s shooting of Gonzalez sets the stage for a contempt motion that would be filed under Cintron in 2004. After Murtha shoots Gonzalez in the arm twice, the officer and a union representative claim that Gonzalez had been trying to run Murtha over in his car. Footage from a nearby police vehicle later reveals that Gonzalez’s car was in fact driving away from Murtha. The police union allegedly helps Murtha revise his statement to match the newfound evidence. In addition to obvious misconduct that should yield consequences within the department, these events constitute a violation of Cintron, in particular the appropriate procedures for investigating police use of firearms (documents 1-21 and 1-22). (Source)