This decision reinforces the City’s claim that Casati had violated the federal consent order; as Judge Berger writes, Cintron “directs the officers of the Hartford police department to avoid the use of derogatory terms, regardless of whether an officer intends a particular term to have a derogatory connotation” (Source). Berger’s decision rejects Murphey’s claim that Casati’s language was merely a harmless consequence of the harsh life of a police officer. This decision further supports the validity of the original plaintiffs’ first and foremost claim in their lengthy suit: “a. Committing acts that have no purpose or justification other than to humiliate or degrade members of plaintiffs’ class” (Source- original suit). From the authority of a courtroom, Berger legitimizes the stakes involved in acts of speech, a small but meaningful gesture recognizing the expansive reality of racialized violence.